Friday, March 8, 2013

Family, friends, and fun on Maui.

         So I've been home for about 8 days now after spending 2 weeks on Oahu and I'm loving it.  I've scored some waves, ate some good food with family zones, went adventuring with my good friends from Oahu and Maui, saw some pristine sunsets, had lots of party waves with allkines, and just living and celebrating life everyday here on Maui!  I'll be enjoying more epic moments and zones here at home until the end of the month and I'll be heading to Australia somehow.  Below are a bunch of photos of my time cruising at home sharing some epic moments with some of my best friends.  Life is good :)
Reversing.  Frame:  Wade Saunders
See I told you.  Photo:  Keawe
Sahhhh guy in guy zone.  Photo:  Jason Hall
Enjoying a party wave with allkkines guys.  Photo:  Dooma
Sahhhhhh guy for the guys.  Photo:  Celeste
All smiles :)  Letting everybody.  Photo:  Celeste
New fresh clothing from the flipmode zones.  
Another party.  Photo:  Dooma
Invert guy for zone.  Photo:  Miranda
Cordon and Hags guy
See i make strong fire.
Reverse in the zone.  Photo:  Dooma
Boom sahhh.  Photo:  Celeste
Fancy sahhhh.  Photo:  Miranda
Family and friends dinner for Keoni.  He left for the Marines
So pretty.  #mauinokaoi
Valley dip.
My favorite.  Ulu.  Bread Fruit
awww da pretty sunset
aww da pretty sunrise
aww da pretty sunset
twin falls cruising
banana bread zone
aww da cute view
Twin falls guy
Miles gainer
Pat from oahu cruising with glasses
Miles, alan, a kimbo
floating on floater
kimbo and jackson
agg miles
see relax den i letchu
getting fancy model

yummy sam satos saimin
friends in the valley first timers
flips zone
aww da pretty da sunset with footprints
I eat um
Empty guy

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